Servis lights up the Streets!

Date: 12th of December, 2017 – Reference: OM-1712-0005

So our work with Servis took a different approach. How come? Well rather than go for additional hoardings in the manner a traditional OOH campaign would, we decided to setup a couple of back lit trucks & have them driving within the masses. This serves a few benefits. Firstly, it ensure visibility across a particular radius with the added benefit of visibility being sustained. This implies that lengthier messages may be conveyed. Furthermore, it allows outdoor demographic segmentation in a manner in which traditional mediums may not entirely hit the nail on the head.

CHALLENGE: Major launch was completed expeditiously on 147 outdoor assets. (Hoardings, streamers, mobile floats)

IDEA: Divided execution teams in groups to work 24 hours in shifts. Resulted in executing a 5 day project in a span of 2 days.

O Media Team

O Media & Telenor

Date: 12th of December, 2017 – Reference: OM-1712-0004

For Telenor, we managed to put up quite the spectacle. It’s quite different from a traditional hoarding by any means. Notice the degree of engineering works performed to build the design that extends way beyond the board itself.

Besides, it’s front lit & that’s a benefit in that it calls to attention particular regions of the ad rather than the whole board itself.

CHALLENGE: Telenor desired a larger than life branding in OOH however skin wrinkles & tearing were on rise due to wind pressure.

IDEA: Background less building fabrication with back light for greater night time visibility. Superb execution due to minimal skin usage, which resulted in the invalidation of wind pressure & temperature.

O Media Team

O Media – An “Active” Mountain Dew Campaign

Date: 11th of December, 2017 – Reference: OM-1712-0003

Creativity for Mountain Dew; another ecstatic client. So Mountain Dew’s target market are those youth leading an active, sporty, & overall adventurous lifestyle. Clearly a simple campaign wasn’t going to cut it.

Hence, our solution was to make a skateboard out of a hoarding. It appeals to the sense of adventure the target audience is obsessed with. This design is meant to showcase our innovative abilities & shows how creative works can increase appeal & the opportunity to see itself.

CHALLENGE: Break the clutter, low cost & effective creative that should attract teens and live up to the extreme sports adventure.

IDEA: Turned a vertical billboard in to a skateboard with a Mountain Dew bottle & CTA flashing in between with Neon lights.

O Media Team

O Media Serves some Knorr Soup

Date: 11th of December, 2017 – Reference: OM-1712-0002 

So we managed to do something unique for you guys. Knorr came to us with a problem. They wanted to conduct a campaign that differed from a static image, which may not necessarily entice the audience to pay attention to the ad itself.

Our solution was to fabricate a bowl on the hoardings with a smoke releasing machine to give the impression of a steaming bowl of soup in order to grasp attention, entice hunger, encourage recall & impulse buying behavior.

CHALLENGE: Bring the KV alive, amplify the hot supper & make the food fresh & exciting!

IDEA: A 3D fabricated bowl with actual smoke machine projecting the freshness of KNORR soups as steam appears from the bowl. (Simple cook & eat meal)

O Media Team

O Media Conducts UBER Campaign Across Pakistan

Date: 11th of December, 2017 – Reference: OM-1712-0001 

We have successfully carried out UBER’s out of home campaign across the major cities of Pakistan.

We hope you as our audience were privy to the campaign & found it informative.

The challenge was to ensure that the sites acquired met the criteria of targeting the right socio-economic class & gender given that this campaign tilted more so towards the female market. We are happy to report that this objective has been met.

Furthermore, there has been a follow up out door activity to measure visability in Lahore.

O Media Team